I was first seduced by the sweet siren song of my great-grandfather's Stanley No. 8 jointer plane persnicketing thru hard maple. Lured further by the graceful lines of hundred year old brass, rusty steel, and tropical hardwoods, I fell headfirst down the old tool rabbit hole and haven't yet surfaced.
After a dozen years of nearly unrestrained acquisition, a lack of space pushed me to begin selling tools at local tool meetings and online. Somewhere along the line, I made my first backsaw, and discovered that I enjoyed making tools just as much as using them. On these pages, you will find some of the tools that spring from that passion.
Blackburn Tools began with a line of finely crafted dovetail, tenon, sash, and joinery saws made in the 19th century style. Although I no longer sell those completed saws, I do do offer parts and kits for those who share my interest in making tools.
In addition to backsaw parts, I make and sell parts for the Roubo frame saw, a surprisingly efficient way of resawing timbers and cutting veneers by hand.
I also make the Scrawl, a light duty carbide scribe/awl that is sure to become one of your favorite layout tools.
To see all of the tools I sell, please start browsing here.
From time to time, I document a tool restoration, woodworking project, or tool build that I find interesting. I have benefitted tremendously from the time and effort spent by others to document and post techniques, tips, and information. It is my hope that my contributions can similarly help others.
In addition to the aforementioned articles, there are articles that cover saw tooth geometry and saw handle templates.
The Rose Tools catalog collection, a wonderful trove of scanned catalogs from small and large tool manufacturers that covers decades, is also hosted here.
My ramblings, musings, and other writings of dubious interest are gathered here. More importantly, this is where I post any news, announcements, and appearances at upcoming events. Subscribe today and have all future posts sent to your email address.
If you are interested in purchasing an item, you probably have a question or two. Answers to some of the basic questions are found here.
If you'd like to receive emails about upcoming events, new products, and general updates, please sign up for my email list. Your information will never be sold or shared, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Looking for Graham Blackburn's website? Other than being a big fan of his books,
I have absolutely no affiliation.
If you've never heard of Graham Blackburn, I urge you to take a serious look at his three volume set of classic traditional
woodworking books. As a hobbiest handtool woodworker, I find myself turning to his books time and again for knowledge, inspiration,
and entertainment. And did I mention he also sells some handtools on his website?
Oh, and if you're wondering why I call this little experiment Blackburn Tools, it's fairly mundane: Blackburn is a family name.