- Carbide Scrawl -

Carbide Scrawl in walnut and stainless steel Carbide Scrawl in mahogany and bronze - closeup of point Carbide Scrawl in cherry and bronze Carbide Scrawl in bloodwood - closeup of handle end Carbide Scrawl in cherry and stainless steel

Carbide Scrawl

Shipping within the US and select other countries will be calculated during checkout. For shipping charges to other countries, please contact me before ordering.

24 November 2023: Orders for my Scrawls are temporarily suspended while I work to catch up with backorders. Ordering will reopen when backorders have all been filled.

                            Handle wood  
                            Ferrule material  

Carbide Scrawl - from $35.00

Carbide Scrawl sharpening & replacement

If the point on your Scrawl dulls or breaks, it can be sent back for sharpening or replacement. If the carbide is at least 3/4" long, it can be resharpened; carbide shanks shorter than this will need to be replaced. Return shipping within the US and select other countries will be calculated during checkout. For shipping charges to other countries, please contact me before ordering.

After paying for this service, please send your Scrawl to:

Blackburn Tools
PO Box 263
Unionville, PA 19375

Carbide Scrawl sharpening - $0.25 each

Carbide Scrawl point replacement - $9.25 each