The three saws shown in my last post are all wrapped up and working their way across the big pond. Working with stainless steel presented some new challenges, but it’s hard to dwell on those when the last thought and image in my mind is of the striking family they make. It was with no small regret that I sent them on their way to their new abode.
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Robert Frost, 1923
Beautiful work Isaac! Two thumbs up.
I like everything about them. The thing I like the most is the hang angle though.
The hang looks appropriate to the work the saw will do. Well done.
I am thrilled to report that these three fine saws and the smaller 9” dovetail saw landed safe and sound in England
I have to say that they look even better than in the photo’s, the stainless steel and walnut crotch go so well together. I love the way you crafted the handles with the subtle addition of the single Borromean ring bolt in bronze, for me the Lambs tongue detail on the saw back just adds to the beauty of these truely handmade master pieces.
I must add that this is third time lucky for me, having had disappointing results from other makers who claim to make “the best saws” !! For me, Isaac, these ARE the best saws. I must therefore commend your determination and patience in dealing with the stainless steel, the end result being subtle, elegant and for me a joy to behold.
Many Thanks Peter
Peter, I am truly glad to see them go to such a good home, and hope that they will serve you well for many years. They make a special set, and I thank you again for ordering them.