Saw build along – Back, Part II

This is the thirteenth entry in a nineteen part series that covers the construction of one of my saws from start to finish. For links to the other entries, please see the full chronological index.  -Ed.

Sanding & deburring the back

The back being fully shaped and cut to length, it needs a bit of sanding and polishing before assembly. I do most of the sanding with 220 or 240 grit cloth-backed sandpaper , and always sand parallel to the length of the back. I sand wet, with a bit of dish soap added to the water, which seems to keep the paper from clogging so quickly. If there is a deep scratch or dent, I carefully file it out rather than trying to sand it down.

Sanding the lamb’s tongue is a little finicky, but by curling the sandpaper to fit into the curves, it is possible to maintain the lines and chamfers. With any luck, the file work was accurate and smooth, and does not need much work.

When the back is fully sanded, I run it across a deburring wheel. This removes many of the scratches from sanding and leaves an attractive satin finish.

Begin by sanding with 220 or 240 grit sandpaper.

Begin by sanding with 220 or 240 grit sandpaper.

"Polish" the back with a deburring wheel.

“Polish” the back with a deburring wheel.

Deburred back on the left; sanded back on the right.

Deburred section on the left; sanded section on the right.


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