Early this Saturday morning, the saw elves and I will pack up and head east for this weekend’s Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event®, which is being hosted by the Independence Seaport Museum (the event is located in the Boat Shop). We have never been there, and are really looking forward to seeing an aspect of woodworking that is new to us.
Although the event will be held on both Friday and Saturday, I will only be in attendance on Saturday.
Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event® – Philadelphia, PA
Friday & Saturday, January 29-30
10:00 – 6:00 (Friday), 10:00 – 5:00 (Saturday)
Independence Seaport Museum – Boat Shop
211 South Christopher Columbus Blvd.
Remember, the admission to these events is free, and you will have a chance to play with a lot of beautiful tools, as well as talk to other people who share your passion for them. Hope to see a few of you there!